Yogalates - Where East Meets West
Red Cross Hall Lithgow (every Monday & Thursday 6pm)

Yogalates is a disciplined exercise system that is a blend of "yoga" and "pilates" created by certified Pilates instructor and yoga practitioner Jonathan Urla in 1997. It is designed to integrate the Pilates methodology into the practice of hatha yoga for a more complete system of exercise to bring greater awareness and develop the body in a balanced way. "Yoga" is an eastern Indian tradition that focuses on strength, flexibility, and spirituality.

"Pilates" was created by German-born Joseph Pilates nearly a century ago. Pilates focuses on building strength in the deep muscles of the abdominal region, the body's core and stretching deep into the stabiliser muscles as well as the major muscle groups of the body.

The philosophies of both make blending the two very natural. The mind is very focused on the body, on breathing techniques. "Yogalates" teaches students to feel that their entire body was exercised in an integrated way.

Be aware of instructors claiming to conduct a Yoga, Pilates or Yogalates class who are not fully and specifically qualified as you risk being injured with no recourse and no explanation. Trained, qualified and certified Yogalates teachers and instructors know why you do an exercise, how it benefits the body and mind, where you will feel the exercise and what will happen if you don't do it properly.

Your Lithgow Health instructor is a fully qualified, experienced (over 18 years), registered and certified "Pilates" and "Fitness Instructor" with Fitness Australia, Fitness Network and The "Pilates" Room in Sydney.

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